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Products dissemination

This is about activities for the dissemination of our products and knowledge on paper expertise and history.

Dissemination activities


  1. IVC+R: Bernstein Portal


  1. May 15th, 2013 - October 8th, 2013 - Exhibition at the Rollett Museum, Baden bei Wien, Austria.
  2. June 27th, 2012 - July 18th, 2012 - Exhibition at the The European Research Centre for Book and Paper Conservation-Restoration, Horn, Austria.
  3. June 15th, 2012 - July 1st, 2012 - Exhibition at the Pinacoteca di Varallo, Varallo, Piedmont, Italy.
  4. May 6th, 2011 - July 10th, 2011 - Exhibition "Filigrane in edizioni vercellesi del XVI secolo" at the Museo del tesoro del duomo, Vercelli, Italy
  5. Dec. 6th, 2009 - Jan. 31st, 2010 - Exhibition "Ochsenkopf und Meerjungfrau" at the Stiftung Zanders in Bergisch Gladbach, Germany
  6. April 39th-June 27th, 2009 — Exhibition:"Testa di bue e sirena. Cartiere e filigrane piemontesi: prospettive di ricerca", Biblioteca Nazionale di Torino, Torino, Italy
  7. Oct. 28th-Dec. 31st, 2008 - Exhibition: "Una firma nell’acqua - La memoria della carta e delle filigrane dal Medioevo all’età moderna", Archivio Storico Civico e Biblioteca Trivulziana, Milan, Italy
  8. Sep. 8th-Oct. 10th, 2007 - Exhibition: "Testa di bue e la sirena. Filigrane del Medioevo", Istituto centrale per la patologia del libro, Rome, Italy
  9. July 9th-August 24th, 2007 - Exhibition: "Testa di bue e la sirena. Filigrane del Medioevo", Museo della Carte e della Filigrana, Fabriano, Italy
  10. March 22nd-June 9th, 2007 - Exhibition: "Ochsenkopf und Meerjungfrau. Wasserzeichen des Mittelalters", Museum im Schottenstift, Vienna, Map, Informationen zur Ausstellung
  11. Dec. 2006-Feb. 2nd, 2007 - "Ochsenkopf und Meerjungfrau. Wasserzeichen des Mittelalters", Ausstellung des LABW, Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart und der ÖAW, KSBM, Vienna, Austria => Link zur Ausstellung, LABW, => Abstract, => Description

Lectures and Presentations

  1. Sept. 19th, 2023 - Lecture at the International Colloquium MARCMUS - Watermarks and handwriting in the music manscripts of the Fundo do Conde de Redondo by EmanuelWenger, "Watermarks from music collections and the Bernstein project", Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal, Lisbon, Portugal.
  2. June 26th, 2013 - Conference Lecture by EmanuelWenger and MarisaFerrando, Como hacer y organizar una base de datos de filigranas y como hacerla accesible desde el portal Berntein. Base de datos de IVC+R: Un ejemplo para la integración.
  3. June 19th, 2013 - Lecture by EmanuelWenger, "Ochsenkopf und Meerjungfrau - Papiergeschichte und Wasserzeichen", Rollettmuseum, Baden/Wien, Austria.
  4. Nov. 2nd, 2009 - Lecture by MariekeVanDelft, "Lecture for Scriverius", Amsterdam
  5. Aug. 20th 2009 - Lecture by MariekeVanDelft, "Presentation of Bernstein" at IFLA-preconference "Early printed books as material objects". IFLA- Munich, Germany.
  6. May 26th, 2009 - Lecture by EmanuelWenger, "Paper history and expertise provided by the eContentPlus project Bernstein" at the international conference QQML2009 (Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries), Chania, Crete (Greece)
  7. Oct. 17th, 2008 - Lecture by PeterRuckert, "Dezentrale Sammlungen und zentrale Datenbanken – zum digitalen Umgang mit Wasserzeichen" at Tagung „Zur Praxis der Bearbeitung von mittelalterlichen Handschriften“ Berlin, Germany
  8. Oct. 17th, 2008 - Lecture by EmanuelWenger, "Bernstein - eine Internetplattform für Papierexpertise" at Tagung „Zur Praxis der Bearbeitung von mittelalterlichen Handschriften“ Berlin, Germany
  9. Sept. 24th-26th, 2008 - Presentation by MariekeVanDelft, "The Bernstein project", at 19th Annual Conference of the British Association of Paper Historians, The Hague, Netherlands
  10. Sept. 22nd, 2008 - Lecture by PeterRuckert, "Papier und Wasserzeichen. Datenbanken für die Zeichnungsgeschichte der Renaissance", Convegno internationale: „Le tecniche del disegno rinascimentale: dai materiali allo stile“, Firenze, Italy
  11. Sept. 5th, 2008 - Lecture by GeorgDietz, "Zu den aktuellen Entwicklungen auf dem Gebiet der Wasserzeichenforschung (Bernstein-Projekt)" at the 17. Jahrestagung des Deutschen Arbeitskreises für Papiergeschichte, Gernsbach, Germany
  12. Sept. 4th-9th, 2008 - Lecture by GeorgDietz, "Aktuelle Entwicklungen des Bernstein Portals" at DAP-Tagung, Gernsbach, Germany
  13. May 28th, 2008 - Lecture by EmanuelWenger, "Paper Expertise and Contextual Data Provided by the eContentPlus Project Bernstein" at the 29th IPH congress, Stockholm, Sweden
  14. May 13th, 2008 - Lecture by MartinHaltrich, MariaStieglecker, "Geschöpft - beschrieben - abgerieben. Papier als Gegenstand historischer Forschung", Haus-, Hof und Staatsarchiv, Vienna, Austria
  15. Feb. 8th, 2008 - Short message by MariekeVanDelft - "Bernstein", SHARP-L, ###
  16. Jan. 28th, 2008 - Report by MariekeVanDelft - "Bernstein", WIBG-project-meeting, London, UK
  17. Jan. 24th, 2008 - Report by MariekeVanDelft - "Bernstein", Bard of "Vrienden van de Koninklijke Bibliotheek", The Hague, Netherlands
  18. Dec. 3rd, 2007 - Lecture by EmanuelWenger "eContentPlus Project BERNSTEIN – THE MEMORY OF PAPERS Open platform for watermark and paper data" at the conference EVA 2007, Information Society Technologies and Culture; Moscow, Russia
  19. Nov. 14th, 2007 - Lecture by CarmenPartes - Piccard-Online and Bernstein at Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Munich, Germany
  20. Oct. 19th, 2007 - Lecture by Dr. Maier and CarmenPartes at LABW für Genfer Studierende during a presentation of information systems of the LABW, Stuttgart, Germany
  21. Sept. 29th, 2007 - Lecture by PeterRuckert - Testa di bue e sirena: una mostra europea dall'archivio Piccard di Stoccarda, Istituto centrale per la patologia del libro, Rome, Italy
  22. Sept. 29th, 2007 - Lecture by EmanuelWenger - La memoria digitale: l'attività del Progetto Bernstein, Istituto centrale per la patologia del libro, Rome, Italy
  23. Sept. 25th-27th, 2007 - Bernstein poster presentation by LABW, Deutscher Archivtag, Mannheim, Germany
  24. June 28th/29th, 2007 - Presentation by JeannetteGodau - Europäische Perspektiven: Wasserzeichen europaweit und mehrsprachig recherchieren: Piccard-Online/Bernstein. Conference: Quo vadis Digitalisierung? Nationale und europäische Plattformen für die Vernetzung von Wissen im Landesmuseum für Technik und Arbeit, Mannheim, Germany
  25. June 21/22th, 2007 - Poster presentation by LABW at International Conference: Knowledge by Networking. Digitising Culture in Germany and Europe, Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, Berlin, Germany
  26. April 11th, 2007 - Presentation by GeorgDietz - Bernstein/Bildsubtraktionspräsentation, Kunstmuseum Basel, Switzerland
  27. Feb. 21st-22nd, 2007 - Poster presentation by LABW at Eudico-Conference, Berlin, Germany
  28. Jan. 26th, 2007 - Presentation by GeorgDietz - Bernstein/Bildsubtraktionspräsentation, Städelmuseum Frankfurt, Frankfurt, Germany
  29. Dec. 15th, 2006 - Lecture by JanVanDerLubbe - Authentication and Dating of Art on Paper, University of Nijmegen, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
  30. Dec. 11th, 2006 - Lecture by EmanuelWenger - Bernstein, at Wiener Archäographisches Forum (WAF), Generalversammlung, Akademie der Bildenden Künste, Wien
  31. Dec. 4th-5th, 2006 - Poster presentation by Main.### - Bernstein, at International Conference, Museums, libraries and archives online: MICHAEL service and other international initiatives, Rome, Italy
  32. Nov. 29th, 2006 - Lecture by JanVanDerLubbe - Fake and False in Art, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
  33. Nov. 23rd, 2006 - Bernstein-Informationshalbtag (9.00-12.00) im Clubraum der ÖAW, Vienna, Austria
  34. Nov. 15th, 2006 - Presentation by GeorgDietz - The Bernstein Project and image subtraction methods, at 15th meeting of restorers in the Kupferstich-Kabinett Dresden, Germany
  35. Nov. 9th, 2006 - Lecture by EmanuelWenger - Bernstein, at EVA 2007 Berlin, Berlin, Germany
  36. Oct. 8th, 2006 - Lecture by GerardVanThienen - Watermarks in Incunabula printed in the Low Countries (WILC) and Spain on French and Italian paper, at 28 Congreso IPH, Biblioteca de l'Abadia de Montserrat, Capellades, Spain
  37. 2006 - Poster presentation by JeannetteGodau - Piccard-Online, Bernstein, Germany

Scientific Publications

  1. 2012 - MariekeVanDelft, case study in Digital Humanities in Practice (Claire Warwick, Melissa Terras and Julianne Nyhan, editors, Londen 2012), pages 158-162.
  2. 2010 - Mark van Staalduinen, Content-based Paper Retrieval. Towards Reconstruction of Art History - dissertation - Delft 2010 - 230 pages.
  3. 2010 - Sven Limbeck, Digitalisierung von Wasserzeichen als Querschnittaufgabe : Überlegungen zu einer gemeinsamen Wasserzeichendatenbank der Handschriftenzentren. - In: Das Mittelalter. - Berlin 14(2009)2. - S. 146-155, Zsfassung in engl. Sprache
  4. 2010 - Sven Limbeck, Wozu sammeln wir Wasserzeichen? : vom Nutzen eines Papiermerkmals für Editoren. - In: Materialität in der Editionswissenschaft / Hrsg. von Martin Schubert. - Berlin : De Gruyter, 2010. - S. [27]-43. - (Beihefte zu editio ; 32), Zsfassung in engl. Sprache
  5. 2010 - FriederSchmidt, Wasserzeichenforschung - In: Lexikon des gesamten Buchwesens. Bd. 8. - 2., völlig neu bearb. Aufl. - Hiersemann, Stuttgart, 2010. - S. 200-202
  6. 2009 - F. Bahrololoomi: Tarhe Bernshtein: Hafezeye Kaghaz [Bernstein project: Memory of Paper] in Ganjineye Asnad, no. 72, Tehran, winter 2009, p.123-130 (in Farsi).
  7. 2009 - EmanuelWenger, Paper History and Expertise Provided by the eContenPlus Project Bernstein, in Book of Abstracts of the International Conference Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries QQML 2009, p.94.
  8. 2008 - EmanuelWenger, VladAtanasiu, Paper Expertise and Contextual Data Provided by the eContenPlus Project Bernstein, in IPH Congress Book, Vol. 17 (2008), p. 93-101.
  9. 2008 - GerardVanThienen, Astrid Enderman, Maria Dolores Diaz-Miranda Macias (O.S.B.), El papel y las filigranas de los incunables impresos en España a travès de los diversos ejemplares conservados en las bibliothecas del mundo, in: Syntagma, Revista del Instituto de historia del libro y de la lectura 2 (2008), p. 239-261.
  10. 2008 - CarmenPartes, Das Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg als Kooperationspartner im EU-Projekt Bernstein - The Memory of Papers, in: Der Archivar 61 (2008), p. 3.
  11. March 2008 - MariekeVanDelft, Watermarks in English Fifteenth-Century Printed Books, in: The Library - The Transactions of the Bibliographical Society, Seventh Series 9.1 (March 2008), p. 122.
  12. 2008 - J. Moreu Otal, M. van Staalduinen, P. Paclik, J. C. A. van der Lubbe, Watermark detection in x-ray images from paper for dating artworks. Proceedings SPPRA 2008, Innsbruck (in print).
  13. 2007 - GerardVanThienen, Bookreview: Catalogue of books printed in the XVth century now in the British Library. BMC Part XI: England, ed. Lotte Hellinga ('t Goy-Houten, Hes & De Graaf, 2007, 38 x 28 cm, x + 507 pp., illus., ISBN 978 90 6194 379 2, ¤ 1,250), in: Quaerendo 37 (2007), p. 325-332.
  14. 2007 - CarmenKaemmerer, Städtewappen in der Piccard-Wasserzeichensammlung, in: Herold-Jahrbuch 12 (2007), p. 123-142.
  15. 2007 - PeterRuckert, PICCARD-ONLINE. Die digitale Präsentation von Wasserzeichen als neue Forschungsperspektive, in: Gazette du livre médiéval 50 (2007), p. 40-50.
  16. 2007 - FriederSchmidt, eContentPlus Projekt BERNSTEIN - Das Gedächtnis der Papiere, in: Dialog mit Bibliotheken, 19. Jahrgang 2007, 2, p. 59-62 (DNB periodical).
  17. 2007 - PeterRuckert, JeannetteGodau, GeraldMaier, Piccard-Online: Digitale Präsentationen von Wasserzeichen und ihre Nutzung, Kohlhammer, Stuttgart, 2007, 180 p.
  18. Nov. 2007 - FriederSchmidt, Das Gedächtnis der Papiere - das eContentPlus-Projekt BERNSTEIN und seine Grundlagen, in: Museum Aktuell 147 (2007), p. 18-19.
  19. June 2007 - PeterRuckert, Ochsenkopf und Meerjungfrau. Wasserzeichen des Mittelalters im Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart. In: Archivnachrichten Nr. 34, S. 8
  20. May 2007 - PeterRuckert, Ochsenkopf und Meerjungfrau: Wasserzeichen des Mittelalters im Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart. In: Der Archivar. Mitteilungsblatt für deutsches Archivwesen. Heft 2, 60. Jg. (2007), S. 155-156.
  21. 2006 - FriederSchmidt, ARPA - Fachausschuss Archäometrie des Papiers / Archaeometry of Paper. In: ZellCheming, Jahresbericht 2006, S. 112.
  22. Dec. 2006 - EmanuelWenger, Bernstein, Das Gedächtnis der Papiere, SPH 84, Dez. 2006, p. 10-13.
  23. 2006 - M. van Staalduinen, JanVanDerLubbe, E. Backer, P. Paclik, Paper retrieval based on specific paper features: Chain and laid lines, Proceedings of International Workshop on Multimedia Content Representation, Classifictaion and Security, pp. 346-353.

Press Articles

  1. April 2012 - PeterKrasser, AndrePerchthaler: Verstecktes Wissen in: Papier aus Österreich
  2. May 2009 - Le filigrane piemontesi in: torino sette
  3. February 2009 - Europas Papier-Datenbanken im Web, in: Österreich Journal
  4. February 2009 - Europas Papier-Datenbanken im Web, in: ÖAW - Online Presseinformationen
  5. February 2009 - Europas Papier-Datenbanken im Web, in: kultur online
  6. February 2009 - APA - Das "Gedächtnis der Papiere" im World Wide Web
  7. July 2008 - CarmenPartes, Press release for Bernstein General Meeting
  8. June 2008 - CarmenPartes, Announcement of 2008 General Meeting in Stuttgart at LABW's website
  9. April 4th, 2008 - CarmenPartes, Presentation about Piccard-Online and Bernstein in Stuttgart
  10. April 2007 - Bericht über die Ausstellung "Ochsenkopf und Meerjungfrau" im Museum im Schottenstift Wien bei wienweb.at
  11. March 2007 - Zeitungsartikel zur Piccard-Sammlung, "Der Herr der Ochsenköpfe" in: Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung (18.03.2007)
  12. March 2007 - Bericht über die Ausstellung "Ochsenkopf und Meerjungfrau" im Museum im Schottenstift Wien bei APA-ZukunftWissen
  13. March 27th, 2007 - Österreich Journal Online, Ochsenkopf und Meerjungfrau: Ausstellungsbericht
  14. March 2007 - Helmgard Holle, Papiere und Wasserzeichen, Parnass Kunstmagazin, Heft 1/2007, März/April, p. 14.
  15. Jan. 4th, 2007 – Was der Ochsenkopf verrät. Hauptstaatsarchiv zeigt umfangreiche Wasserzeichen-Sammlung, Stuttgart, Germany
  16. Dec. 2006 - Newsletter Deutscher Arbeitskreis für Papier (DAP): 210 digital copies, 170 paper copies, Germany
  17. Dec. 2006 - Exhibition catalogue of the (watermarks/Berstein) exhibition „Ochsenkopf und Meerjungfrau – Wasserzeichen des Mittelalters“, Stuttgart, Germany
  18. Dec. 15th, 2006 - Das älteste Wasserzeichen stammt von 1271, Stuttgarter Zeitung, Stuttgart, Germany
  19. Oct. 23rd, 2006 - Press release (APA) Online-Presseinformation ÖAW


  1. Oktober 2010 - Las Filigranas de los Incunables Espanoles a Traves de los Estudios de Gerhard van Thienen by MariaDolores in: Boletin CAHIP Vol.2 No 8 See: Description
  2. July 2009 - Short message by MariekeVanDelft in: KB-Nieuwsbrief, (2009) July, nr. 1, p. [1]. See: http://www.kb.nl/pr/nieuwsbrief/200901/200901.html
  3. 2009 - short message by MariekeVanDelft in: KB.nl. Magazine van de Koninklijke bibliotheek 8 (2009) nr. 3, p. 10
  4. Dec. 2006 - Watermarks/Bernstein exhibition flyers to Heidelberg Academy of Science and Heidelberg University Library, Heidelberg, Germany

Tutorials, Workshops

  1. May 6th, 2009 - Workshop on "Paper History and Watermarks" at the Iranian National Library, Tehran, Iran by EmanuelWenger.
  2. August 27th, 2008 - Workshop Wasserzeichenkunde. Die Filigranologie als Hilfsmittel in der Handschriftenkunde, at Sommer-Seminar der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften (August 27th-29th, 2008): Buchkultur des Mittelalters und der frühen Neuzeit: Codicologie und Buchkunst westlicher Manuskripte, Austrian Academy of Sciences by MartinHaltrich and MariaStieglecker.
  3. August 26th, 2008 - Workshop Datieren mittels Wasserzeichen. Papiermarken als Hilfsmittel in der Handschriftenkunde, at Summerschol of Institut für Byzanzforschung: Griechische Paläographie, Kodikologie und Textgeschichte, Austrian Academy of Sciences, August 24th-27th, 2008 by MartinHaltrich and MariaStieglecker.
  4. August 28th, 2008, 9-12 a.m. - Workshop Medieval watermarks and databases at EVA Vienna 2008 by MartinHaltrich and MariaStieglecker, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna - Cancelled by organiser.
  5. June 23-24, 2007 - Tutorial by VladAtanasiu and MartinHaltrich for creation of a paper catalog at the Egyptian National Library, Manuscripts department, Cairo, Egypt. For teaching material used see Tutorial2007Egypt.
  6. Dec. 11th, 2006 - Tutorial at Cambridge University Library; methods of cataloguing metadata of medieval manuscripts, paper reproduction methods, demonstration of the backlight-minus-frontlight method, Cambridge, U.K. => PowerPoint Presentation by MariaStieglecker and PowerPoint Presentation by GeorgDietz
  7. Nov. 27th-28th, 2006 - First EDLproject Workshop on developing the European Digital Library, Austrian National Library, Vienna (participant EmanuelWenger)


  1. Dec. 7th, 2007 - Meeting with cooperating partners from VirginiaTech (USA) on Briquet databases
  2. Oct 4th, 2007 - Meeting with the Consortium of European Research Libraries for collaboration on georeferences
  3. Oct. 18th, 2006 - Meeting with cooperating partners of TU Graz and UB Graz, Austria
  4. Oct. 6th, 2006 - Meeting with interested parties of the Academy of Fine Arts and the Prints and Drawings Colletion, Vienna, Austria


  1. Paper and Watermark Museum, Fabriano / sieve variation experiment, paper collection digitizing, exhibition
  2. Istituto Centrale per il Restauro e la Conservazione del Patrimonio Archivistico e Librario, Rome / digital paper collection integration, exhibition
  3. British Association of Paper Historians / digital paper collection integration
  4. Stiftung Zanders, Bergisch Gladbach / digital paper collection integration
  5. Staatsarchiv Solothurn / digital paper collection integration
  6. Stiftsbibliothek St. Gallen / digital paper collection integration
  7. Basel papermill museum / digital paper collection integration
  8. Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna / digital paper collection integration
  9. Landesarchiv, Graz / digital paper collection integration
  10. Statens Museum for Kunst, Copenhagen / digital paper collection integration
  11. Cambridge University / paper collection digitizing
  12. Laboratorio de Restauración of the Universitat de València, Valencia / watermark classificiation
  13. Europeana / digital paper collection integration
  14. VirginiaTech, Virginia, USA / digital paper collection integration
  15. Bates College, Maine, USA / digital paper collection integration
  16. State Library, St. Petersburg / digital paper collection integration, watermark classificiation
  17. State Library, Moscow/ digital paper collection integration, watermark classificiation
  18. Ecole Estienne, Paris / sieve variation experiment
  19. British Library, London / incunabula contextual data
  20. Staatsbibliothek Berlin, Berlin / incunabula contextual data
  21. Consortium of European Research Libraries / georeferencing
  22. Ilford / paper analysis toolkit
  23. FH Johanneum, graz / design

Dissemination tools

  1. Project poster (English, German) and folder (English, German, Italian)
  2. Project logos and website visual identity images: see VisualIdentity.
  3. PublicTutorials
  4. ProjectExhibitions (statisch & Vorführungen & pädagogisch)
  5. Dissemination kit: WM database (Victor's WMT?), Measurement tools, Booklet (Einführung in die Methoden digitaler Papierforschung)
  6. leaflets, website, mailing lists, inserats & repports in specialized magazines, popular science (EU, national), public events (EU Night of Science)
  7. scanners, FilmScanners, cameras, additional equipment - hints and experiences
  8. contacts (paper history (EU, US, Asia), paper industry, computer science, police & intelligence)
  9. network of socializing (Bernstein & other conferences)
  10. graphic identity
  11. MultilingualSupport (interpartner work)
  12. industrial partners (Fabriano papermaking, Ecole Estinne, Ilford, others see collaborations)

Potential collaborating collections

A number of collections would be interested to be part of the integrated workspace. This document lists known collections of paper reproductions.

-- VladAtanasiu - 24 Aug 2006
-- SandraHodecek - 17 March 2009
-- EmanuelWenger - 7 November 2023

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jpgJPG Van_Thienen_presentation_IPH_MONTSERRAT.JPG manage 748.0 K 23 Feb 2007 - 08:29 SandraHodecek  
pdfpdf Cambridge_Maria_Stieglecker.pdf manage 1603.9 K 23 Feb 2007 - 10:47 SandraHodecek  
pdfpdf Georg_Dietz_Cambridge_2006.pdf manage 1778.9 K 28 Feb 2007 - 08:37 SandraHodecek  
pdfpdf Georg_Dietz_Dresden_2006.pdf manage 2787.4 K 28 Feb 2007 - 08:41 SandraHodecek  
pdfpdf Georg_Dietz_Frankfurt_2007.pdf manage 3922.4 K 28 Feb 2007 - 08:44 SandraHodecek  
pdfpdf Jeanette_Godau_Poster_Piccard_Bernstein.pdf manage 859.1 K 05 Mar 2007 - 09:19 SandraHodecek Poster by Jeanette Godau
jpgjpg Homepage_Ausstellung_Schottenstift_2007.jpg manage 743.6 K 26 Mar 2007 - 08:22 SandraHodecek Ausstellung Schottenstift
pdfpdf oesterreich_journal_online.pdf manage 154.4 K 29 Mar 2007 - 10:27 SandraHodecek  
jpgjpg Frieder_Schmidt_museum_aktuell_150dpi.jpg manage 492.5 K 08 Jan 2008 - 09:22 SandraHodecek  
pdfpdf Dietz_DAP_Gernsbach.pdf manage 1354.8 K 11 Mar 2009 - 13:35 SandraHodecek  
pdfpdf Haltrich_Stieglecker_Byzanz_Praesentation.pdf manage 9098.2 K 17 Mar 2009 - 10:08 SandraHodecek  
pdfpdf Haltrich_Stieglecker_Praesentation.pdf manage 9642.7 K 17 Mar 2009 - 10:38 SandraHodecek  
pdfpdf torino_exhib..pdf manage 417.2 K 16 Jun 2009 - 10:56 EmanuelWenger press article exhibition in Torino
pdfpdf GanjineyeAsnad.pdf manage 474.9 K 02 Sep 2009 - 09:38 EmanuelWenger Report on Bernstein in Farsi
pdfpdf BoletinCAHIP.pdf manage 2655.2 K 04 Dec 2010 - 11:50 EmanuelWenger Boletin CAHIP, WIES
pdfpdf papier_aus_oesterreich38-39.pdf manage 320.5 K 07 May 2012 - 17:48 EmanuelWenger Zeitschriften Artikel von Papier in Österreich
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