Introduction to Linux

Linux is a free source software collaboration. It is widely known for its servers and its distributions as desktop and laptops operating systems. The name originally came from Linux Kernel and was written by Linus Torvalds ( see the connection?). As there are numerous developments and news about Linux, it is ideal to have a good grip of what's the latest and here are a couple of studies about Linux in the form of theses. A thesis about Linux is ideal for those who want to get ahead of the game.

1. High speed data collection with Blackfin DSP


This covers a master thesis about embedded systems, with the aim to probe the high speed data collection capabilities with a Blackfin DSP. This covers basic theory about sampling and noise is covered briefly from a practical point of view. The theory is intended to be useful for those diving into a ADC datasheet for the first time.

2. Investigating and Implementing a DNS Administration System


NinetechGruppen? AB is an IT service providing company with about 30 employees, primarily based in Karlstad, Sweden. The company began to have problems with their DNS administration because the number of administrated domains had grown too large.

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-- MillieWells - 20 Mar 2009

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